Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Barter and Local Currency Survey

Barter Survey
I do not think our government can take care of us nor should they.  A case can be made that they should have a role in helping people that can’t help themselves but when too many rely on government, nations collapse.  With four wars, entitlements and other demands our money is being devalued through inflation and some day the dollar drastically will lose purchasing power through hyper-inflation or the government will simply devalue it.  Either way all will be hurt who rely on dollars to exchange goods and services.  Barter and local currencies are two ways people can protect against this possibility.  Specifically I am looking for folks to barter goods and services with although I am open to creating a local currency as well.  Below are my areas of expertise to barter, as well as areas I am looking for help.

I have a Masters in reading and can tutor students who need help in reading or other areas.  I have been an elementary teacher for 24 years in Kindergarten through 2nd grade and can tutor students in subjects at this level or can provide activities for parents involving academics or discipline.

Some Knowledge
I studied nutrition, meditation, yoga, and exercise and have pretty good success overcoming chronic health conditions.  I practice organic gardening and can do heavy labor or yard work.  Also I am some what familiar with the workings of the monetary system.

Areas I Want Help
I want to expand my knowledge in the areas I have some knowledge.  I want to start a bartering or currency system with interested neighbors, possibly setting up a website to facilitate it.  I also want help learning how to repair items in the yard or house including plumbing or electrical skills.  I would also like to improve my presentation about the Federal Reserve and become more effective communicating on the internet.

Barter Survey

What are your areas of expertise?

What are areas that you have some knowledge?  In what areas do you think you could help others, yet you do not consider yourself an expert?

What areas or skills would you like to learn more about?

Would you be willing to try to set up a local currency system?

The second survey can be found on line at  Once you get there go to the right side of the page and click on the post, Barter Survey.   This survey can be copied and filled out and sent to me at  My dream is to be part of a self reliant community and get help setting up a barter exchange and or local currency system.  I have been told that 90% of local currencies fail but considering today’s economic conditions it must be tried.

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